Help a Girl Out: Starfish Project

Happy Thursday, friends! 

You may already know that the cause closest to my heart is ending human trafficking. I support multiple groups that do this and love how each of them comes at the problem from a different angle. As a result, there are people spotting traffickers at country borders, there are people prosecuting the pimps, making the whole industry less inviting, and there are people helping our sisters who've been trafficked find a life worth living. 

A friend of mine, modeling one of Starfish's treasures
Starfish does the latter and wants to do it in a much bigger way. A while ago, some of us purchased jewelry to show ladies across the world we see them and care. With the funds from their current fundraising campaign Starfish would be able to make large orders needed by US retailers who are ALREADY interested. So go give today. Don't be embarrassed if your donation is five dollars. Just give. I believe in small gifts given with great love. They make a difference every day.

Here's the link to give, where you can also see a video of the founder explaining what Starfish has done so far and their big dreams for the future. 


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