Winter Clothes and Polyvore

When I discussed storage in my bedroom, I admitted my wardrobe was a mess. This was haunting me so I tried putting my pieces (exactly or a similar item) in Polyvore. If you've never visited Polyvore, it's one of the "sort of" social media sites because you can share your creations and follow other people, but mostly I like it for making collages more easily than in, say Photoshop. You can use it to make idea boards for rooms too, since there are home decor items too. I can't wait to try that! Here are a few of my Mid-Winter wardrobe collages:

Shirts Mid-Winter

Casual Mid-Winter Pants

Layers Mid-Winter

Casual mid-winter shoes

I started with my work clothes because once you get into yoga gear/lounge clothes/pajamas it gets a little hairy. I also created "sets" with coats, dressier clothes and a couple casual outfits I don't wear to yoga or to sleep (just comfy days off.) I included a few items I want to purchase which gave me clarity when I hit the end of season sales. What I loved about this little project was it showed me how many nice things I have to wear. It also helped me know if the purse I've been thinking of would actually look nice with everything. You can see the rest of my play here. What I didn't love was how time consuming it can be trying to find an piece that's reminiscent of yours. On a couple items it started to feel like work, but it really saved me time and stress scanning sale racks. If I didn't see the items I felt I was missing, I kept moving. Some of you can probably do this with a written list but I struggle to remember what I'm looking for if my list is longer than two!                       

So I'm almost ready to pack this trimmed down version of my closet away. Here in Nebraska it's that tricky time of year when you have half of your winter stuff still out and half of your summer stuff. It's a little confusing, but in the midst of it we have some of our prettiest days, so we don't mind. I have not forgotten our little tour, though I think we may take a little break after the kitchen storage. That's up next! 


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