Clothing Storage

Sorry for the ginormous gap between the last post and the promised second half...Things got a little crazy around here. Speaking of crazy, my clothes are in a bit of an upheaval. Nothing like the svelte wardrobe I shared back here or here. Weight fluctuation, yada, yada...

We'll start with the dresser, going right to left. There are four smaller drawers across the top and here's what I keep in them: 

pants (5 pair)

tops (that I don't hang or work out in)

bras, scissors, sewing kit (robe and around the house clothes in back)

I got frustrated coordinating undies with bras (who has time for that) and when it comes down to it, I'd rather wear a nude bra every day. So I stopped buying any other color. If you're wondering why so many, there's a strapless, a strapless with a little, um help, and a strappy. The sewing kit and scissors come in handy for quick mends and cutting tags out. 


Now we'll move to the four larger drawers. The one below holds "underwear" but more specifically it organizes: socks, sports bras, slips, leg warmers, tank tops, and panties. To keep my tanks easy to grab (far right) I roll them. Unfortunately, the grey one I stuffed back in, so you can hardly see the nicely rolled ones under it...

underwear - want to minimalize this? go here

sweaters, sweatpants and leggings

project clothes, workout tanks, sweatshirts

I feel like little things like tank tops get really messy in a drawer, so I tuck them in this plastic basket. I can see them all at once and don't have to dig (aka - accidentally unfold ALL of them) to find the one I'm after. 

off-season clothes

For the rest of my clothes, you can go here and tour my closet. Not much has changed there, except the season of clothes. Off-season hanging clothes go in a spare closet in the basement. (Not handy.) Here's how Brian's closet looks. He didn't volunteer for this little series and doesn't claim to be a minimalist, so I won't go into his other storage spaces, but I thought you might like to see this. 

His drywall isn't painted, but that's the case in all our closets except mine, and that only happened a few months ago. The empty floor space you see is usually occupied by a blue laundry basket and a white one. That way, we can sort as we go, whites and light colors in the white basket and dark colors in the blue basket. On laundry day, the kids bring down their hampers and sort into these two categories. (I know there are those out there that sort to a much higher degree than this, but it's all we can manage. Since we wash clothing on cold anyway, we don't run into trouble with bleeding.) The reason we don't need large towel bars in our bathroom is because we keep our towels on the back of our doors. You can see his hanging on the far left. Towel hooks can mean bunching up and that part staying wet, so we use two hooks to spread them out and get them completely dry. 

On the right you can see a fabulous shelf with a million pegs I found at a thrift store. It holds Brian's medals from races, some of his ties, belts and whatever else he feels like hanging there. We keep coats in our closets since we don't have a coat closet and when people come over, we put their coats on our bed. Brian's coat is what you see hanging in front of the pegs. His closet also holds our flag and upright vacuum (below).

On the right side, our handheld vacuum and extra vacuum bags sit below Brian's hanging clothes. The rags on top are for an old steam cleaner that broke (grr) and I'm not sure what to do with them. Behind those, you see the fingers of Brian's work gloves. I wonder if he knows those are there. Maybe they should go downstairs with the tools...

Anyway, that's how our clothes are stored and the end of that little hallway's rooms, so we'll back track and head into the dining area. Hopefully sooner than later. :)


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