On the Bright Side: Guest Room Makeover

You know what I realized during my tirade last week? While I was linking to the list of projects that had been on my radar this spring (and despairing about not being able to take them on), I noticed I've done some of them. Already. So while I have to cool my jets about forward progress and let the other things lie, I decided it was time to take a moment to breathe and be grateful for the things we've managed in a very busy spring.

One of the main improvements (besides my one painted closet) was our guest room. It had been doing double duty as our kindergarten school room and while I'd cleared most of the school out, I hadn't pulled it together in a way that didn't say "leftovers." While it sat, I started to like the idea of adding lavender to the mix (especially after I pulled all its pink accents to use in my living room). It's such a relaxing color and since it's the "hot" color this year, it's easy to find ideas for. A pair of lilac sheets at a thrift store were just what I needed to make a curtain and a "upholstered" headboard. I'm such a fan of leaning against mine that I feel badly making guests lean on a hard one. Best invention everAnyway, here's our almost-done guest room. A big shout out to my sister for coming to visit, which got me going on this and the carpet replacement (right across the hall). :)

Did you wonder what happened to our homemade pallet coffee table? Having something at the foot of the bed makes it look so finished to me. And it makes a pretty place to put our new guest book. The headboard is a piece of wood covered in an old blanket, a light piece of fabric (to cover the blanket's pattern, since I'm too cheap to buy batting) and the lilac fitted sheet. I had my doubts that a twin sheet would be big enough, but it was. Below, you'll see I switched out the artwork over the bed for larger piece, but I think it still feels a little lost. 

Here are all my paint swatches, or rather a bunch of them. I keep these handy because they're such nice big samples of individual colors. If you have the nerve to do it, take one of each color and start finding your colors before you go to the paint store. There's nothing like seeing colors in the lighting of your house. It's saved many a hardware store trip for me. I felt sheepish getting the samples initially. It seemed kind of greedy to take THEM ALL. But I got through it and you can too! After all, that's what they're there for and no one ever batted an eye. 

This is one of my favorite kids books about visiting relatives (and the idea applies just as well to friends). It focuses on being together and enjoying each other in an everyday kind of way. My favorite line is, "We were so busy hugging and eating and breathing together." If a guest ever picks it up, I hope it'll let them know how low-key their visit can be -- that we just like having them around.

Here's the curtain I made from the sheet and my subtle, but free tie-back hardware. Below are the euro shams I would like to try on the bed if I can ever squeeze two euro pillows out of our budget! 

So deep breaths. We are getting somewhere. And sometimes, I think I'll have to wait forever for a project because it'll cost so much and then I find a way to do it much cheaper or a deal just comes along. Like painting the kids closets. I told them they could pick their own colors, but didn't want to spend a lot, so I'm waiting to find the colors in the "mis-tints" or paint nobody wanted. I've found Cadence's so far and that makes a whole gallon of quality paint only $5. In the meantime, I'll take a break from all the projecting and enjoy my summer. That's definitely an upside to my cracking bathroom floor - not taking precious family downtime for a remodel. Maybe next summer...


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