Make Your Monday: If I may quote myself!

Last week I confessed how I sometimes fall off the grace wagon. I'm on the upswing now, but I still thought, "Unacceptable!" when I left late for work this morning. After hearing from several of you who feel similarly, I thought I might not be the only one who needs frequent reminding...

It's actually a pretty blue (like the one below) wallpaper for your computer and though you can see it here, you'll need to click the link below it to get a bigger file that's screen-size. Or, if you'd like to spread the relief that this reminder brings, you can pin this version:

Hope you're being kind to yourself this Monday. Especially if the weekend wasn't a dream come true. It happens, so don't wait til next weekend to give yourself a break. Try to fit in a mini activity or inactivity that's rejuvenating. A little doting never hurt anyone. ;)


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