A Tour of my Valentines Day


This date marked our fourteenth Valentines day together. Which seems like a golden Valentines day or something...especially when it falls on a year that's also the 14th. And since it's my favorite holiday anyway, I thought I'd try to make it a little shazaaam

So I started off by taking Brian a Cinnabon (his favorite) because we finally have them available right here in Lincoln. I drove to the north end of town, bought one and hurried back to his office, hopefully before it was completely cool. Then I stuck a pink sucker in it, just in case he missed the fact that it was in honor of my favorite day of all! 

Next I baked brownies so when the kids got home from school, we could have the dessert I suggested in my last post. I also made chocolate milk so I could use these fun straws. It's true...I wouldn't have even thought of a beverage if it weren't for these guys!

So here's our treat, all together. Brian brought the kids home, so he got to eat the goodies with us. (That's why there's four.)

I think Cadence feels really loved when I bake something special because she said, "You're the nicest mommy!" Which of course, made my day. Brian had to go back to work, but when he got home, we did a treasure hunt (around the house) with clues that led to a gift the kids could share. We've done this for a couple years, but this is the first time they could read the clues for themselves, so it was exciting. Last year we got them paints, and this year they were so excited to find a bracelet loom at the end of their hunt. They've been really into their friends' and I like to get them something a little arts and craftsy on Valentines.

The surprise for me (besides the chocolates Brian delivered on Valentine's Eve) was a trail of quotes that Brian pulled from a very old, favorite novel called The Rosary. We also have pages from it framed over our bed. They were so sweet and led to a quote he framed for me. 

So much love! Don't wait for love to come to you, go out and spread it. It feels really good.


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