Let's Talk About It

My friends, I have been interviewed. Someone wanted me to talk (more than I already do) about the stuff I love. So I said, "Yes!!" 

Robert Wall at Untitled Minimalism gave me a spot on his podcast and it's up now! You are one click away from hearing me in real life. Eeek! I just realized some of you haven't heard my voice in real life and now you will. So weird and wonderful, our cyber relationships. But I digress...You can listen to our interview here.

And then I have another chance to talk about my other favorite topic (decorating on the cheap) this Monday evening. If you're in or near Lincoln, Nebraska, please email me and I'll give you all the info you need to attend. I'm presenting with my brilliant friend, Taumi Baker who throws the loveliest parties I've ever seen. We titled our talk, "Pink-ify Your Home" which basically means, make it your happy place. There'll be dinner and chocolate and slides...which sounds perfect to me! 

Both of these chances to talk are such honors. Your time is precious and the fact that you "listen" to what I'm thinking here every week or maybe now lend your ears to me in a new way, feels like a gift. Your presence means the world to me. I absolutely love writing because of you. So thank you. My path is better because I share it with you.


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