Book Love: Wrecked

If I were having a conversation with you in a real room, with chairs and tables and hopefully some coffee that could be mistaken for desert, at some point I'd very likely say, "I know what you mean! I've been reading this book..." 

I feel sheepish about this habit, because I'm not sure my friends enjoy me frequent, impromptu book reviews. But I just can't help it. Books change my life on a regular basis and the excitement bubbles up when conversations echo a book's theme. So imagine me chatting with you over sweet coffee because today's the day I need to tell you about this book.

Wrecked by Jeff Goins

First of all, props to the designer who captured the theme in this upside-down turtle. Whoever you are, if you ever see this, I too, heart white space. (My dream graphic design job that's quickly becoming obsolete - designing print books...sigh.) 

Anyway! This book is about growing up. It's about finding a big, meaningful deal and having it upstage your previous life plan. When the world's pain gets through to you, it's natural to feel helpless. The place you are now and the place you imagine you could be a ginormous blessing seem worlds apart. Wrecked talks about how to navigate life in a way that's realistic, to get to a meaningful place of service. 

quotes that fascinated me:

"We are only able to help heal the brokenness around us when we are living whole lives ourselves."

"It's when you're in over your head that you start taking your work seriously, when you finally grow up and into your destiny."

"What you ought to be looking for in your search for your life's calling is struggle, not resolution."

"In everything worth doing, there is a necessary downside."

"There are two types of work: the kind you have to do and the kind you were meant to do. Both can exhaust you." 

"It's about living in the tension of a broken world and being content with the journey, not conjuring some contrived sense of arriving."

One topic that was new to me was prolonged adolescence. It's the term for people who haven't progressed successfully into adulthood. It's partially because they're overwhelmed by options and ideal in what they're seeking. They fail to begin the process of working their way toward the place they want to be. It explored the fear of commitment, saying, "They are delaying the pain of making a decision and living with the consequences. So they hesitate and weigh the options-all the while, completely unaware of the cost...Commitments help us become better people." 

This book set me free of misconceptions like, "If I choose work that's right for me, it'll be good all around," and, "I can't possibly take on a position I'm not sure I can succeed at or I'll be doing my future employer a disservice." 

I actually read this book a while ago, but the reason I'm thinking about it today is because the author just released his second book called, The In-Between. It looks like it'll address one of my favorite mysteries--living in the moment and understanding the value of what we may see as mundane, daily life. I read about this in Donald Miller's book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, only he described it being like canoeing. When you first leave the shore, it feels like you're moving fast because the shore recedes quickly. Also, at the end where the shore comes up quick, but in the middle it feels like you're getting nowhere. You can't see your progress and it gets hard. I can't wait to hear what Jeff has to say about that part of our existence. Take a look.

The In-Between

Isn't that great?! The same clean design and the perfect symbol for waiting. You can see more about it here. I can't wait to have it on my very own phone! So there's my cyber-book review. Hope some of your summer reading has been life-changing even if that's just in the, "I actually relaxed while I read it," way. What have you been reading?

P.S. Here are all the books I mentioned above, and just so you know, I get a small commission if you follow these links and purchase one. 


  1. I'm reading Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys and it also explains the theory of a prolonged pre-adulthood but this books says it's because we are focused more on our careers than finding a mate. Also, that the higher the education level the longer a person stays in the pre-adulthood stage because just being in school creates an atmosphere of non-commital dating. And you might have guessed by the title that it explores the reaction of males to feminism. Women are out-performing men in school and the work place and its causing men to give up their role as bread winners because as many books and women have told them, women don't need men to provide for them. Really interesting. I don't know that I will agree with everything by the end of the book but it's still something to think about, especially as women move into adulthood and raise the next generation of boys.

  2. Hmm...intriguing. Wrecked also talked about having your sole purpose be school for as long as we do. It said it gives people the idea they are superfluous to society. In other countries, kids understand they have a part to play and are vital because they don't spend so long NOT contributing. This got me thinking about my kids. How do I give them a sense of importance all along? This is maybe the biggest risk of not teaching kids to do chores. I read about a tribe of native Americans that traveled with kids controlling the half-wild dogs that pulled their belongings. I was impressed because those kids could never imagine they weren't necessary to their tribe/society. I think I avoided this partly by holding a job throughout high school and college.

  3. These sound like really interesting reads Kendra. Thank you for you beautifully written review. I recently read worked my way through Brené Brown's books. She is a research professor who has spent many years studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness and shame. I wish I had found her books years ago.

    1. You're the second person (at least) who's talked about her books, so they must be destined for my To Read list! ;)


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