Dining Decor: Phase One Complete

Remember how I wouldn't show you the buffet when I spruced up my dining room? Well, all that changes today because while it took a bit longer, it was addressed. Now, it's just as pretty as the rest of the room. 

At least, I think so. 

Here's how you saw it last... 

Now I like things simple, but this was a little stark for me - even cold. I'm not sure why. The tricky part was needing something substantial for this tabletop and that's harder to come by on the cheap. Out of frustration, I put a giant, beautiful lantern in my cart one day at Target. I felt super guilty inside. I don't buy $30 decorations without some kind of premeditation and discussion with Brian. But I kept it in my cart and when the cashier couldn't get it to scan, she asked me how much it was. I said, "I thought it was 29.99, but would you mind checking?" She sweetly punched the numbers in and found out it was only $7.48. 

Whaa?! For this big, beautiful lantern of my dreams?!

I felt like God tapped me on the shoulder and told me it was okay to dream big and enough with the fretting and feeling guilty all the time! 

I grouped it with some neutral things I already owned and wah-lah! So much better.

See?! Isn't she gorgeous?! I apologize for my overuse of exclamation marks, but $7.48! 

Alright, I'm done. The little potted plant on the right can be found at Ikea and I already had all the candle holders you see. Or, sort of see. Apparently, I was making sure the lantern got in there, but a straight-on shot might've been better. The glass candle holder has a smaller one nested inside it, with vintage photos I found at a yard sale. Two sisters where there to tell me about them and it was really fun. They tend to curl, so I put some beads between them and the smaller candle holder. On the bottom right, I filled space with an unrelated detail shot of the rug you saw in the last update. I think I just like to look at it.

So there it is. Dining room is finished with phase one. I'm completely satisfied. Just so you know, though, if Brian and I ever get bored and find ourselves with some simple white dishes, we will install open shelves above that buffet. I love that look and there's no place at all for it in the kitchen. My ultimate dream, is to fill one of the shelves with jadeite dishes, which I ignorantly described as green milk glass. Still not sure what I mean?


Wouldn't that be grand? And peaceful. Maybe someday...since it's okay to dream big. ; )

Have a fabulous fourth of July!


  1. Beautiful -- the !!'s are well deserved! I have to tell you my favorite piece is the larger candle holder in the big picture on the left of the trio of pictures. Where did you find it and what was it originally? I love that!!

    1. Do you mean the basket-like lantern? That's the one I found at Target. Or did you mean one of the others?


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