Projected Disney Budget

Today I'm sharing our projected costs for our California (including Disney) trip. As we are smack-dab in the middle of it, I can tell you things are going a bit differently, as we knew it would. Still, we're having a blast and I'm excited to get home and tell you all about it! 

Disney tickets 644.00
Hotel (near Disney) 733.95
Shuttle 10.00
Parking  24.00
Hotel  100.00
Gas 800.00
Meals  360.00
Incidentals 128.05
Total $2671.95

I forgot to change the amount for parking and shuttle when we decided to spend two days at Disney instead of one, so that should be 36 and 20. Here's a teaser photo to tide you over til I get back and hit you with a deluge of colorful vacation photos. Let it be known, I warned you.

Those teacups are downright adorable  And while inside them, screaming is permissible, at least while they're spinning. I've decided being allowed to scream is one of my favorite things about the place. Nothing feels quite as good as letting out a good scream once in a while. Maybe I'm just leaking crazy, but it sure is satisfying. Happy weekend! 


  1. Kendra, this is inspiring - both the budget and the peek at the fun your family is having.

    So love the teacup photo! and the screaming. and "leaking crazy" tickles my funny bone.

    Btw, years ago, I discovered Car Screaming. It involves driving in the country or on an interstate BY ONESELF and with the windows up. (;

    Eager to see your many photographs and read your word pictures after your return. Thanks for sharing your memories-in-the-making.

    ~ Dena

  2. Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. The idea of teacup screaming made me smile! Look forward to more pictures.

  3. Thanks! I'm working on photos now and reliving all the fun. :)


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