Inexpensive Decor: Secret #1

So I told you I was looking for an adventure on our first lovely (weather-wise) date night of the year. It. Was. Perfect. Even when the sun dropped away, the swirling breezes were benign - carrying no chill at all. Amazing...even if there's snow predicted for Thursday.   

While I try not to think about that, I'll show you what we did. We Goodwill-hopped. In a dress and cowboy boots and sun-glasses, I strolled hand in hand with Brian until we got in the stores. Then we went opposite directions - he to the books and I to dishes and other householdy things. He found a paperback and I...


I better just show you.

I've been of the opinion that one more teapot was needed atop my bookcases. This one was just 1.99 and happened to be the half-price color of the day. Such a bargain. What I love about this collection is that it took some time, but I spent no more than 3.99 for each one, so the overall cost was no more than $25. If you have a large space to fill, but don't want it to look busy or cost an arm and a leg, consider a collection like this. I like how calming similar items are and how the variations show they were gathered. It evokes a different feeling than a set bought instantaneously.   

I'm on a mission to bring the whimsy of animals into our home. It's the element I've long admired in other people's rooms. Hence the chicken. Soon to follow (I hope) will be a silhouette of our cat's profile and some animal bookends. As for this chicken...I think she needs a name. Bobbie? Margie? Roxanne? Feel free to add suggestions in the comments... Pretty soon, I'll show you the special spot I have in mind for her.

I've wanted some porthole mirrors for a while now, but never found any cheap enough. Target finally got with the program, but the ones they sell are still a chunk of change. At .99 each, these passed the test, although I'll need to buy some spray paint. I'm counting on them fitting the mirrors I've seen at craft stores. If not, I'll use them for my cat profile or a framed letter...who knows.

This kind of thrifting (done with or without the hubby) is one of the secrets to my inexpensive home decor. As easy as buying new seems, I like this process. I get to reuse discarded items instead of bringing more into the world and it costs less. My other two secrets are making stuff myself (you can see some of the projects here) and Ikea (even though the closest is seven hours away). More about that "secret" later. For now, if you're in the mood for an adventure, hit a Goodwill or thrift store near you and hunt down some treasures. And by all means, stop for food when hungry. We did. 


Saucy cup. You'd think it was Earth month or something...


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