What I Wore: Week 1

So I've made it through the first week of my capsule wardrobe experiment and have some advice. Don't start this when some of your pieces aren't in commission, like my white jeans and the black and white jumper that need altering. This limits my options so much I do feel a little short on clothes, but I hope when I add those it'll be easier!

Here's what I wore the first week (starting with Monday). Keep in mind, my days off (Wednesday, Friday and Sunday) are days I go to yoga so you'll see athletic wear and not much from my capsule. If I get home from yoga and shower, I sometimes put street clothes on (if I'm forced to go out again, but most often, I work it out so I can put pjs on after that. True story.

And because I forgot about it Thursday, we have nothing to show for that. While putting my capsule to work, I've noticed a couple things: 

  • my place of work is usually warm enough and I'm active enough, that what you'd expect to wear this season isn't always cool enough
  • I needed to switch a couple items out in order to get the right mix of 33 (see below)

Winter Capsule

Winter Capsule by kendrakcarlson featuring super skinny jeans

I'm happy so far. Need to find time for alterations, but this may be what I needed to make that a priority. 


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