Simple Fall Decor

So it's the time of year when all the bloggers and the Pinteresters get happy putting a lot of fancy fall stuff out there. And sometimes I dig that - gets my creative juices going and all, but this year it just makes me tired. I guess it's time to admit my adjustment to kids being in school's been a little rocky, but even under the best circumstances, when I see pumpkins painted and fitted with pearls in the shape of spiderwebs, I feel overwhelmed. Who has time for that? Disclaimer: We make time for what we think is fun, and if this is your version of fun, I back you one-hundred percent. I'm not knocking pearly pumpkins specifically...just the pressure to make them if that sounds like a nightmare. 

I like pretty as much as the next guy, but I'm also a BIG fan of easy. Lots of bang for your buck. So I'm going to give you a tour of my fall decor this year. I'm limiting it to my front porch, except a couple yummy-smelling candles inside. 

The candy corn is what we call "door signs" here in Nebraska. It's the most wonderful trend because I have fun shapes for all the seasons and rather than storing dusty wreaths, these all fit on one big hook. You can buy them here at stores, but if you're neck of the woods isn't with the program yet, you can make your own with some plywood craft paint and glitter. If you want a "No Soliciting" sign of your own, the how-to is over here.

Decorating is the special occasion for which I get motivated to deep clean. So along with my porch primping, there was some sweeping, cobweb removal and stick chucking. The low point may have been pulling down on my tree's branches and clipping up as far as I could reach. I tried not to make eye contact with the professional crew trimming hedges across the street. 

Back when I made the doormat above (one of my easiest projects EVER), I thought it was nice for spring and summer, but out of place for fall and winter. So imagine my surprise when I mixed my turquoise Ball jars and doormat with my fall stuff and felt like it added to the excitement! Maybe because it's the color of the sky on a fall just works. 

I keep all of this stuff in one of these, not very large totes. I've had the leaf garland for at least ten years and it's still going strong. I'm not a big fan of fake foliage, but these leaves really try to look real. As a minimalist, you might think I'd be into the natural stuff, like real gords and pumpkins. I am not. Mostly because I'm a penny pincher and those have to be bought every year...right about the time I'm doing stuff like new furnace filters and saving up for trips and holidays. I'll pass. Also, the squirrels always get to my pumpkins and make a big mess. I'm happy to share, but do they have to be so messy? 

So our "live" fall decor is just two little pumpkins the kids picked at the patch. Everything else is bought and paid for a.k.a. stress-free for me. 

I can't show you my porch without mentioning that it's destined for more love in the future. The slate blue-gray floors will go and the butter-yellow trim will become cream. I picked out the darkest forest green you can imagine for the front door. I'm going for the "an English teacher lives here" look. Is that a look? I feel an idea board coming on! 

The best part of this process was bringing the family out to eat supper on the front porch. When Chandler came out, he said to himself, "Oh, it's so beautiful!" Aww...I melt.


  1. Love that when the kids appreciate our efforts. Mara just told me yesterday how pretty my fall decor was as i was putting it up.


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